12 March 2025

Your Guide to the Top 100 Emojis and What They Mean

From 🤔 to 🥰, this article covers the 100 most frequently used emojis and what they convey. Keep your emoji game strong with our guide.

Emojis have become an essential part of our daily communication. They provide a quick way to express emotions and ideas in a visual manner, especially in the digital age where most of our interactions are online. With the continuous release of new emojis every year, it can be overwhelming to know the meaning behind all of them. In this article, we will be discussing the 100 most popular emojis and their meanings to help you better understand the nuances of emoji language

😂Face with Tears of JoyExtreme happiness or laughter
❤️Red HeartLove (red by default, but meaning is same for any color)
🤣Rolling on the Floor LaughingIntense or hysterical laughter
👍Thumbs Up SignWell done, good job, or approval
😭Loudly Crying FaceUncontrollable tears, perhaps due to sadness or joy
🙏Person with Folded HandsPrayer, thank you, and sometimes a high five
😘Face Throwing a KissKissing someone, or general expression of love
🥰Smiling Face with HeartsLove or affection
😍Smiling Face with Heart-EyesLove or adoration
😊Smiling Face with Smiling EyesPositive or happy
🎉Party PopperCelebration or congratulations
😁Grinning Face with Smiling EyesGlowing, beaming happiness
💕Two HeartsLove is in the air
🥺Pleading FaceAdoration, bashful, or pleading
😅Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Cold SweatRelief, nerves, or excitement
🔥FireHot or excellent
☺️Smiling FaceHappy or positive
🤦Face PalmFrustrated or dumbfounded
♥️Heart SuitLove
🤷ShrugIndifference or unknowing
🙄Face With Rolling EyesSarcasm or boredom
😆Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Tightly-Closed EyesGreat excitement or happiness
🤗Hugging FaceHugging (love and support) or jazz hands (enthusiasm)
😉Winking FaceJoking or being cheeky
🎂Birthday CakeCelebration
🤔Thinking FacePondering or questioning
👏Clapping Hands SignRound of applause in celebration
🙂Slightly Smiling FaceHappy, but often used ironically
😳Flushed FaceEmbarrassed, surprised, or flattered
🥳Partying FaceCelebration or joy
😎Smiling Face with SunglassesCool or confident
👌OK Hand SignOkay or correct
💜Purple HeartLove
😔Pensive FaceReflective or remorseful
💪Flexed BicepsStrength or fitness
SparklesPositive, happy, or celebration
💖Sparkling HeartExtra special love, sometimes playful
👀EyesShifty or sneaky, sometimes flirtatious
😋Face Savoring Delicious FoodCheeky, poking fun, or enjoying food
😏Smirking FaceMischievous or flirting
😢Crying FaceUpset or pain
👉Backhand Index Pointing RightPointing to the right
💗Growing HeartLove or increasing affection
😩Weary Face
🤔Thinking FacePondering or questioning
👏Clapping Hands SignRound of applause in celebration
🙂Slightly Smiling FaceHappy, but often used ironically
😳Flushed FaceEmbarrassed, surprised, or flattered
🥳Partying FaceCelebration or joy
😎Smiling Face with SunglassesCool or confident
👌OK Hand SignOkay or correct
💜Purple HeartLove
😔Pensive FaceReflective or remorseful
💪Flexed BicepsStrength or fitness
SparklesPositive, happy, or celebration
💖Sparkling HeartExtra special love, sometimes playful
👀EyesShifty or sneaky, sometimes flirtatious
😋Face Savoring Delicious FoodCheeky, poking fun, or enjoying food
😏Smirking FaceMischievous or flirting
😢Crying FaceUpset or in pain
👉Backhand Index Pointing RightPointing to the right
💗Growing HeartLove or increasing affection
😩Weary FaceDistressed, drained, or deep enjoyment
💯Hundred Points Symbol100 percent approval
🌹RoseRomance or to be used on a special occasion
💞Revolving HeartsA whirlwind of love
🎈BalloonCelebration or congratulations
💙Blue HeartLove
😃Smiling Face with Open MouthHappiness
😡Pouting FaceAnnoyed or angry
💐BouquetAppreciation or happiness
😜Face with Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking EyeFun, joking, or cheeky
🙈See-No-Evil MonkeyHiding, cringing, or in disbelief
🤞Crossed FingersWishing luck
😄Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling EyesGreat happiness
🤤Drooling FaceDesiring something or delirious
🙌Person Raising Both Hands in CelebrationCelebrating with hands in the air
🤪Zany FaceSilly, fun, or goofy
❣️Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark OrnamentEmphasized love
😀Grinning FaceElevated happiness
💋Kiss MarkA seductive kiss
💀SkullDeath or an extreme reaction to something
👇Backhand Index Pointing DownPointing down
💔Broken HeartGrief, loss, or longing
😌Relieved FaceContent or calm
💓Beating HeartLove
🤩Grinning Face with Star EyesAmazed, impressed, or excited
🙃Upside Down FaceSilliness, often used for irony or sarcasm
😬Grimacing FaceTense, nervous, or awkward
😱Face Screaming in FearShocked or scared
😴Sleeping FaceTired or bored
🤭Face with Hand Over MouthLaughter or cheekiness
😐Neutral FaceNeutral, irritated, or unamused
🌞Sun with FaceRadiant, happy, or positive
😒Unamused FaceAnnoyed, skeptic, or

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